In Matt Zoller Seitz‘s N.Y. Times review of The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (which I still haven’t seen), he reports that “New Line has commissioned ]director Seth] Gordon to remake this story with actors.” And Gordon has told that he’d like to see Johnny Depp play the doc’s real- life bad guy Billy Mitchell.

This brings to mind an observation by Variety‘s Ronnie Scheib that “Hollywood may find it difficult to cast two big-name stars willing to play it as broadly as the real-life hero and villain of this tale. Nor would many self-respecting scriptwriters dare to match the sheer improbability of these actual happenings.”

The doc, in any event, has tallied exceptional Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ratings — 97% and 85%, respectively. On top of those stirring per-screen averages last weekend.