The first screening of Terrence Malick‘s Knight of Cups, apparently another “stream-of-consciousness”, tossing-high-the-lettuce-leaves experience with a dessicated Hollywood slant, will happen at the Berlinale this Sunday at 7 pm, or 10 am Los Angeles time. The first tweets should begin to circulate in the early afternoon. Knight of Cups is a kind of time-capsule film as it was mainly shot in 2012. Last year Malick’s editor Billy Weber told The Playlist that Cups is “less experimental and less dialogue-free than To The Wonder“…okay. On 1.29 producer-financier Ken Kao offered a brief synopsis to the Hollywood Reporter‘s Pamela McClintock: “Christian Bale plays Rick, who is a screenwriter and filmmaker living in California. From the outside, it looks like he has everything. Inside, he’s empty in a lot of ways, and this is his journey of figuring out a way to fill the void.” Or, in other words, a plot-free, head-trippy variation on the well-worn theme about vacant or corroded Hollywood — an idea first hatched by Budd Schulberg in What Makes Sammy Run? (’41) and then in Robert Aldrich and Clifford OdetsThe Big Knife (’55).

Terrence Malick, Christian Bale during the 2012 filming of Knight of Cups.