Liam Neeson, whom I spoke to twice last summer about making his Abraham Lincoln voice sound just right when he finally starts shooting that Lincoln biopic for Steven Spielberg, “tried out his Lincoln chops before a live audience last week on C-SPAN,” reports “Page Six” in the N.Y. Post. “The Irish actor brought the crowd at the Library of Congress to its feet with his rendition — brogue-free — of the Gettysburg Address. The ‘Lincoln Family Album’ reading, narrated on-air by N.Y.-based Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer, drew a big audience and will be rerun by C-SPAN in April. Holly Hunter” — who’s apparently been cast in the role of Mary Todd Lincoln — “read alongside Neeson.” Despite Spielberg spokesperson Marvin Levy telling me a while back that the Lincoln biopic doesn’t have a locked start date, there seems to be a plan for shooting to begin sometime in the spring. (And by the way, check out the third paragraph in this Wikipedia biography of actor Raymond Massey. It says that Lincoln’s son Robert Todd Lincoln (1843-1926) “heard Massey perform and was struck by the close similarity of Massey’s speaking voice to that of his father.”)