More than 20 months after playing the 2008 Sundance Film Festival, Stanley Tucci‘s Blind Date will suffer a cruel and humiliating exhibition fate — an opening this weekend at Manhattan’s Cinema Village on 12th Street. (Variance Films has booked it there on the way to DVD.) And now its delayed appearance has taken a toll in another minor way.

Patricia Clarkson, Stanley Tucci in Blind Date.
Marshall Fine‘s positive review reminded me that Blind Date is about a husband and wife (Tucci and Patricia Clarkson) role-playing a series of blind dates. This, it turns out, is pretty much the same premise of one of the short films in New York, I Love You (Vivendi, 10.16), the forthcoming (and very nicely rendered) omnibus film from the producers of Paris Je’taime. Directed by Yvan Attal, it’s about a married couple (Chris Cooper, Robin Wright Penn) pretending to meet and flirt in front of a Manhattan restaurant. Not exactly the same thing, but close enough.