Sosa Borella, a cute little joint on a Eighth Avenue and the high 40s — Wednesday, 12.6.06, 6:15 pm; Dean & Deluca pasta looks good when you’re aisle-shopping, but who wants to pay three times more than regular market prices?…it’s just pasta; 20th Century Fox publicity chief Jeff Godsick (r.) and the gross fat guy from Borat at last week’s party toasting the success of Sacha Baron Cohen’s film at the home of Fox chairman and president Jim Gianopoulos; right outside the Brooklyn headquarters of Hollywood Elsewhere on Montrose and Bushwick — Tuesday, 12.5.06, 10:35 pm; one of the best shots I ever took during my summer of ’05 Manhattan sojourn; Xmas trees on Eighth Avenue — Wednesday, 12.6.6, 6:45 pm.