I haven’t the slightest interest in catching Savage, a New Zealand street-gang drama in the vein of Once Were Warriors. (No mullets.) I couldn’t care less about Spinster, a spirited dramedy about a single woman facing her 40s. Ditto The New Mutants, a long delayed X-Men-related horror flick. No offense but Brandon Cronenberg‘s Possessor will have to wait. If I never see Hard Kill it’ll be too soon. Ditto Brian Skiba and Ryan Phillippe‘s The 2nd, a thriller that I wouldn’t see with a knife at my back. And that’s a double ixnay for Work On It, a dancing-competition flick, and for Words on Bathroom Walls, a coming-of-age drama that costars Charlie Plummer. And I wouldn’t see Project Power, a Jamie Foxx + Joseph Gordon-Levitt action flick about a superpower drug, if I was paid $20 or even $50 — I would refuse to watch it out of principle.
I would, however, pay to see Chris Nolan‘s Tenet, which won’t be opening until…what, mid-fall? Later? And I’d pay to see Unhinged, whenever and however that Russell Crowe road rage film finally streams. And I’m definitely looking forward to the new 4K Spartacus, which will arrive mid-week.
What a miserable time to be alive for film lovers.