In my book Sean Penn didn’t “explode” or even get angry, not really, when he said that “the whole fucking world has abandoned Haiti.” He was just emphasizing a fact with the use of a normal, no-big-deal f-bomb. The way he’s speaking in this video clip (taken by myself) is more characteristic of the tone of yesterday afternoon’s press conference, held to promote last night’s benefit carnival for Haiti.
“It’s not only celebrities who went for a day,” Penn said in the press conference room inside the Grand Palais . “It’s the whole fucking world. It’s all of you.”
I asked about Haiti fatigue and the general feeling that God has been cruel to Haiti and that nothing ever seem to work there democracy-wise or decency-wise. Everything about Haiti connotes despair and futility. Penn said that “the reason we have Haiti fatigue is because there was never a commitment in the first place.”