Hollywood Elsewhere’s 32G Apple TV device was working and then not working, and then working again. Last night it froze again. Today I rebooted the damn thing and it returned to full functionality. Temporarily, I mean. Something is clearly wrong. It’s only two and a half years old, but I’m thinking that a 64G model won’t freeze as much (or freeze at all) because it’s bigger and brawnier.
Right now I’m looking for Black Friday deals that might allow me to purchase a 64G for less than the standard $200.00. Somebody said something about Walmart.
Posted on 11.12.20: Sometime in early ’18 I bought a 32G 4K Apple TV device. It’s a great little platform. All the basic apps plus Apple TV, iTunes movies and music, YouTube…all of it. Sorry but I liked it so much that very soon after I stopped paying for Roku usage.
Two or three days ago the Apple player stopped working. It froze — no home page, no nothing. My TV guy said “try pressing the home button for about 10 seconds, and if that doesn’t work, unplug it for 30 seconds and then plug it back in.” I did both…nothing. Second time, zip. I repeated these steps again last night…flatline.
Today I unplugged it one more time, removing both the power cord and the HDMI cable. A minute later I plugged them back in, and for whatever fickle-ass reason the little black box was suddenly working again.
I’m relieved, of course, but the shutdown phase really pissed me off.