If you count the $12 million earned at Tuesday’s midnight shows, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix now has $44 million in the bank. It earned $32 million yesterday, taking in $10,555 per screen in 4200 situations. Anyone who sits through this very dull film and goes “wow…if only more films could me like this one!” is suffering from a lack of cinematic experience. If you go to it and shrug and say “okay, not bad…I had to go because I love the books,” etc., then fine. But you can’t be over the moon about the film itself. Well, you can…but you have to shut up about it.
The new tracking shows Hairspray is 88 gernal awarness, 31 definite interest with 12% definitely not interested and 5% first choice…decent, not tremendous. I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry is at 73, 39 and 7. I Know Who Killed Me, the Lindsay Lohan thriller, is at 28, 13 and nothing. No Reservations (opening 7.27) is at 44, 21 and 1….dead. The Simpsons movie is looking pretty good — 80, 41 and 8. Ditto The Bourne Ultimatum (opening 8.3) at 64, 47 and 6.