If I were bald and “in the market” I would naturally adopt a positive attitude. I would tell myself that I’m the new Yul Brynner, and that I’m just as much of a boudoir conquistador as Brynner was when he was putting it to Marlene Dietrich in the 1950s.

But if I were gay or a woman of a certain age, I would definitely steer clear of baldies as a general rule. Not a prejudice but a matter of personal taste. There’s nothing “wrong” with baldfellas, of course. Like Hedy Lamarr’s “Delilah”, I just happen to prefer a healthy head of hair, natural or Prague-fortified.

The subject arose after reading that Paulina Porizkova is happily entwined with Will & Grace exec producer & writer Jeff Greenstein. (The six-foot-seven-inch Greenstein also created State of Georgia.) Finding genuine love is always a blessing. HE wishes both parties all the best.

This is not a negative post. From a sexual standpoint I just feel vaguely creeped out by the Mr. Clean/Jeff Bezos look. Remember that ’80s line about bald guys looking like “dicks with ears”?

That aside I mean “none harm,” as Sir Thomas More once said. No offense, to each his own, life is short, etc.