Terrence Malick‘s Radegund, a German-language drama about an Austrian guy who was executed for refusing to fight for the Germans during World War II, has been re-titled A Hidden Life. What exactly was hidden about the life of Franz Jagerstatter? Nothing I can detect from what I’ve read about the man, but Malick’s life…there‘s a definition of hidden.

Other Cannes ’19 beliefs and suspicions, courtesy of Jordan Ruimy: (a) James Gray‘s Ad Astra is a no-go; (b) Tarantino’s editing of Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is taking longer than expected, which is causing some concern; (c) Elton John is allegedly expected to attend a Thursday, 5.16 screening of Rocketman, which means, if true, that the musical biopic won’t be the opening nighter; and (d) Pablo Larrain‘s Ema will likely have a competition slot.