We’ve all been watching Ukrainian citizens going through absolute hell — people of all ages but especially women and the elderly in shock, sobbing, stumbling around, tears streaming down their cheeks….reports of young children being killed, bomb craters, streets littered with shards of destruction, apartment buildings destroyed, homes burning…
This is not about Americans but my God, have CNN viewers ever witnessed such carnage and terror this vividly?…such a steady barrage, and so immediate.
And it’s going to get worse…much worse for so many…God help them all. The brave and heroic Volodymyr Zelensky, God forbid, might be killed. A name-brand CNN or BBC or SkyNews reporter might catch shrapnel or a bullet in the neck. Broadcast-wise, there’s never been this level of horror delivered this constantly…hour after after, day after day. Yes, it’s just “televised coverage” but my God, it’s devastating. In some ways I feel as if I’m almost there. In spirit I certainly am.
Death to Vladimir Putin…never has the phrase “terminate with extreme prejudice” sounded so apt, so justified, so longed for.