“Thirty years ago, the CEOs that are in Undercover Boss were making 30 times as much as their working people,” Arianna Huffington said last night on Real Time with Bill Maher. “Now, they’re making 300 times as much! We’re about to become Venezuela or Brazil, you know, where the people at the top are basically behind their gates with guards to protect their kids from kidnapping.
The result, she said, is that “the middle class is crumbling and that’s the country we’re going to become…if we don’t fundamentally change where we’re going.” To which Maher replied, “Going to become?”
The Tea Party movement, she later stated, is “about that fact that what is happening is not fair, that the fix is in, that the system is rigged, and that people who are working hard are not really getting rewarded. And the people at the top who brought us to the financial brink were actually bailed out by the taxpayers.”