“Driven by fantastic energy and a torrent of vivid images of India old and new, Slumdog Millionaire is a blast,” says Variety‘s Todd McCarthy, finally posting from Telluride this morning at 9:49 am after catching pic on Saturday. “Danny Boyle‘s film uses the dilemma of a poor teenager suspected of cheating on the local version of ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ to tell a story of social mobility that is positively Dickensian in its attention to detail and the extremes of poverty and wealth within a culture.
“Originally a Warner Independent title, the picture has just been acquired by Fox Searchlight for release in the U.S., where it will open at Thanksgiving, although Warner Bros. retains an interest. Tasty item looks to catch on in a big way with young, adventurous and merely curious viewers in wide specialized release.”
Yeah, but as “btwnproductions” sardonically wrote last night, Slumdog Millionaire seems “kind of foreign.” Don’t kid yourself that red-state audiences won’t be muttering this sentiment to each other once the Slumdog roll-out begins.
Still nothing from L.A. Weekly critic Scott Foundas.