Our brief national convulsion over Bruce Willis‘ mask-averse behavior at a West Hollywood Rite-Aid two days ago has mercifully come to an end. It is now time to move on and focus our attention on the House of Representatives’ impeachment vote.

Tuesday, 1.12, “RiteAid Mask Rebel“: [On Monday, 1.11] Bruce Willis showed those Rite-Aid bitches who the daddy is and how to stand your ground when it comes to mask refusal.

Willis actually roamed his ground while declining to pull his bandana up around his nose, and then he thought better of it and left the Rite-Aid like a man, striding out proud and tall.

I’m presuming that the altercation happened at the Rite-Aid at the SW corner of Fairfax and Sunset. I’ve been there many times so don’t tell me. When the employees tell a customer to mask up, they mean what they say and say what they mean.

But Willis apparently wasn’t in the mood to hear it, and so…well, nobody knows if he replied with actual words but his actions clearly said “you don’t tell me to mask up…you tell others maybe, but not me.”