I’m sitting in a Starbucks on Yonge and College, and the great Eddie Marsan (here to promote The Disappearance of Alice Creed) just walked in with his wife. I was either too cool or too much of a coward to waltz over and snap his photo. Marsan has a great English face — brute but somehow sensitive. And I’m with everyone else in having loved his performance in Happy Go Lucky.

I was half-fine and half-meh over Neil Jordan‘s Ondine except for the great Colin Farrell‘s performance. It’s not fair or right to dismiss a film in this fashion so I’ll just pledge to come back to it tomorrow.

It’s now 5:30 pm, and I have to make it down to the Elgin for a 6 pm screening of Scott HicksThe Boys Are Back. I’ll have to cut out for a quick 6:45 pm discussion with Mother and Child director Rodrigo Garcia, and then attend a Boys Are Back dinner party at 8 pm, and then another event for The Private Lives of Pippa Lee.