SAG Awards nominations popped this morning while Hollywood Elsewhere was in the supine. Manchester By The Sea leads with four nominations — Best Ensemble, Best Actor (Casey Affleck), Best Supporting Actress (Michelle Williams), Best Supporting Actor (Lucas Hedges). Fences and Moonlight (which is throwing a luncheon today at Craig’s on Melrose) got three nommies each.
The snubbing of 20th Century Women‘s Annette Bening, Elle‘s Isabelle Huppert (SAG xenophobes couldn’t at least offer a nomination for the most awarded actress of 2016 thus far?) and Loving‘s Ruth Negga are obviously matters of concern. Negga’s campaign has been on the soft side all along — due respect but she may be finished as far as a Best Actress Oscar nomination is concerned. Ditto Taraji P. Henson for her too-broad, aimed-at-the-cheap-seats Hidden Figures turn — brilliant people don’t wear deer-in-the-headlights expressions as a rule.
What happened to HE’s hoped-for Best Supporting Actor nomination for Hidden Figures‘ Kevin Costner? As Variety notes, “Voters clearly liked Hidden Figures, awarding nods to Octavia Spencer and the ensemble, but it might just be a case of too many good actors to choose from.”
A respectful salute is offered to Captain Fantastic‘s Viggo Mortensen, but why was a nomination handed to besotted, bleary-looking, stumbling-around Emily Blunt in The Girl On The Train? (Plus the movie stinks.)
No offense but the best performance in Lion wasn’t given by Dev Patel but the little kid, Sunny Pawar.