At a She The People Presidential Forum in Houston on Wednesday, 4.24, Bernie Sanders was briefly (and not all that loudly) booed for allegedly “name-dropping” the late Martin Luther King, Jr. The booing was bullshit as Sanders was simply speaking the truth.

What he said, in fact, was that he “marched” with King in the 1963 March on Washington (which is vaguely true) and that he supported Jessie Jackson‘s presidential bid in 1988 (also true). He didn’t mention that he was arrested during a civil-rights demonstration in Chicago in ’63, but that also happened.

I was a Sanders supporter in ’16 but not this time — my money’s on Mayor Pete, Beto O’Rourke or Kamala Harris. But there’s no question that the Houston audience was being callous and unfair (or simply ignorant) by booing Sanders. CNN’s Brooke Baldwin was also unfair by making a thing out of it in a recap piece.

Excerpt #1: “Sanders was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and participated in the historic March on Washington in 1963 as a 22-year-old student at the University of Chicago. ‘It was a question for me of just basic justice — the fact that it was not acceptable in America at that point that you had large numbers of African-Americans who couldn’t vote, who couldn’t eat in a restaurant, whose kids were going to segregated schools, who couldn’t get hotel accommodations living in segregated housing,’ he told the Burlington Free Press. ‘That was clearly a major American injustice and something that had to be dealt with.’

Excerpt #2: “Chicago Tribune archival photo of a young man being arrested in 1963 at a South Side protest shows Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, his campaign has confirmed, bolstering the candidate’s narrative about his civil rights activism.”

Excerpt #3: “An ardent supporter of Mr. Jackson’s presidential bid was Bernie Sanders—then mayor of Burlington, Vermont. During a Democratic caucus, Mr. Sanders gave a speech in support of Mr. Jackson while Democrats in the room turned their backs—and, as he walked off stage, a woman slapped him across the face. Mr. Sanders was one of the few elected officials to cross racial lines and openly endorse Mr. Jackson, ultimately helping Mr. Jackson win Vermont against Mr. Dukakis by one delegate in 1988.”