An invitation to a Sunday, 12.4 afternoon screening of Martin Scorsese‘s Silence came in this afternoon, but the Broadcast Film Critics Award nominations have to be filled out and sent in by the evening of 11.29 (i.e., tomorrow). Paramount informed BFCA honchos some time ago that they wouldn’t be able to screen Silence for the entire membership in time for the 11.29 deadline, but I think the BFCA should ignore this logistical hurdle. Out of respect for Scorsese’s standing as a world-class filmmaker and his herculean efforts in finally making this film after years of struggle, the BFCA membership (which is filling out initial ballots today and tomorrow) should nominate Silence for Best Picture, sight unseen. (If they cut Star Wars: The Force Awakens some slack, they can certainly cut Marty some.) Once nominated, the BFCA can vote on Silence one way or another during final balloting, which has to be submitted by the evening of 12.9. Presumably the full membership will have had a chance to see Silence by then.