18 months ago in a piece called “Taxi Driver”: “The best gig of my life has been writing Hollywood Elsewhere for the last 12 and 2/3 years, and especially since I adopted the several-posts-per-day format in April ’06. The second best was tapping out two columns per week for Mr. Showbiz, Reel.com and Kevin Smith‘s Movie Poop Shoot (’98 to ’04). General entertainment journalism for major publications (Entertainment Weekly, People, Los Angeles Times, N.Y. Times), which I did from ’78 to ’98, ranks third. But my fourth all-time favorite job was driving for Checker Cab in Boston. Seriously — the only non-writing gig I ever really liked.”
I didn’t want to over-complicate that paragraph, but there was another non-writing job I really loved. That was working as a celebrity-spotter at Cannon Film premieres and after-parties in 1986 and ’87. I would rank it right below driving for Checker Cab. It was so easy and so satisfying.
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