I’d been thinking about attaching a foxtail to the Yamaha Majesty for years. For some reason I did nothing, and for some reason I suddenly jumped on the case last week. The tail arrived yesterday. Done.

This strange James Franco-hugging billboard recently appeared near the corner at Sunset and Martel. The guy who paid for the billboard is crediting Franco for leading him to sobriety. It references a Great Role Models site that chastises the press for misreporting — an apparent reference to last fall’s charges that Franco had treated a couple of women exploitively or disrespectfully. The site also praises Franco’s mother, Betsy. I wrote the guy behind the site but he didn’t reply. It’s very odd that an individual would pay for a billboard to say thanks to an actor friend for some private act of support or generosity.

The great Josh Brolin has been on my mind with Sicario: Day of the Soldado. I missed this Shape of Water parody when Brolin posted it last month on Instagram, but hats off.