Our 11 and 1/2 hour Norweigan Airlines flight (Paris to Los Angeles) touched down around 6:20 pm. I really hate extra-long flights. “Comfortable” but vaguely agonizing, seemingly endless, confinement, cat-napping, never-quite-slumbering, tolerable, watching this and that, listening to my iPhone music, eliminating iPhone photos…anything to stave off those soporific waves of boredom.

I watched episodes #7 and #8 of Fosse Verdon (the finale is devastating), watched most of Out of the Past for the 17th time, watched all of The Limey, read five or six chapters of Sam Wasson‘s “Fosse“, gave myself two whore baths, read about 75% of Brett Easton Ellis‘s “White” (anti-snowflake, anti-identity politics, anti-“woke” watchdogs, anti-safe spaces…”a veritable thirst trap for the easily microaggressed”) and generally suffered like I always do.