I’m telling myself that a series of upcoming Egyptian screenings (12.9 through 12.27) of a brand-new 70mm print of 2001: A Space Odyssey is a big deal, but I’m not 100% sure that it is any more. I’m not certain I could tell the difference between a lab-fresh 70mm print and a first-rate DCP. Maybe some people can but I’m not sure about myself. I know that DCPs always look great no matter what, and that 70mm sharpness, clarity and dynamic sound used to mean a lot more than it does today. But I’ll attend one of these shows, I’m sure. The only enhancement that would really knock me over would be if they up-rez the 70mm negative to IMAX and then project it in a serious, super-sized IMAX theatre. And, I suppose, if they create a 4K Bluray version, except I won’t be buying a 4K Bluray player any time soon because they’re still only converting CG jizz-whizz to that format.