A guy sent me an October 2006 script for the Farrelly BrothersThe Heartbreak Kid (Dreamamount, 10.5.07), which stars the rapidly graying Ben Stiller.
The cover page says “Most Recent Revisions by John Hamburg and Peter Farrelly,” and then “Revisions by Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly and Kevin Barnett,” and then “From a short story by Jay Friedman” and “Adapted from the original screenplay by Neil Simon,” and then “Previous revisions by Leslie Dixon & Scot Armstrong.”
“Leslie Dixon did the first draft,” the guy explains, “and it was pretty good before it became Farrelly-ized. Her draft attracted Jason Bateman for the lead part, but the Farrelly drafts attracted Stiller. Although the movie tested higher than There’s Something About Mary, they went back to re-shoot the ending a few times to make it just right.”