My strongest impressions regarding last night’s Chopin Virtuosos tribute featuring An Education‘s Carey Mulligan, A Serious Man‘s Michael Stuhlbarg, The Lovely BonesSaoirse Ronan, and Young Victoria‘s Emily Blunt, in this order: (a) the fact that Mulligan got the biggest laugh (see video below), (b) moderator Sean Smith‘s observation that Mulligan has “probably heard from scores of middle-aged men telling her that they loved An Education,” (c) Ronan’s Irish accent is endearing, and (d) a notion that Stuhlbarg is a man with great lakes of inner peace.

Carey Mulligan at last night’s Chopin Virtuosos tribute at SB’s Lobero theatre.

A scheduling conflict prevented nominated Precious star Gabby Sidibe from attending. Perhaps her friendship with Mo’Nique has begun to make an impression?

I may as well admit that I’m starting to vaguely zone out with the Santa Barbara Film Festival tribute ceremonies. I’m still good to go (Kathryn Bigelow has her big moment tonight) but I’m feeling the teeny-weeny beginnings of a mental Xanax sensation. This has nothing at all to do with the admirable chops and historical fabulousness of the artists being honored. It’s just that something inside begins to wither after the third or fourth one.

I’m sorry. I’m trying to suppress this. It’s just that I’ve now attended three in a row and there’s another one tonight and…fuck it, I’ll be fine. I know that if I went hiking in the mountains and made a fire at dusk and slept in a tent I’d be raring to go for another three or four tributes in a row when I returned. Maybe if I went for longer bike rides on the beach?

(l. to r.) Stuhlbarg, Ronan, Mulligan, Blunt.