DATE: 11.22.18
FROM: Jeffrey Wells, Hollywood Elsewhere
TO George Feltenstein, SP VP of Theatrical Catalog Marketing, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
RE: Warner Archives Bluray of The Thing From Another World (’51)
Can you please convey what’s happening with Warner Archive’s forthcoming Bluray of The Thing From Another World? There seem to be delays.
I ordered it a couple of weeks ago on Amazon. I know I did! But now there’s no record of the order.
The Thing‘s Amazon page now says “currently unavailable…we don’t know when or if this item will be in stock.”
Jeffrey Wells, Hollywood Elsewhere
Feltenstein reply: “There is no official street date at the present time for The Thing From Another World due to an industry-wide replication capacity problem. People are working diligently to get things back on track ASAP and we apologize for any confusion. Once we know of a concrete street date we will let all know through all possible channels (including right here). Rest assured
“To be clear, this situation is more complex than the usual supply/demand issue, and it has created many problematic delays for a large amount of releases from many different companies.
“I believe the issue is now being rectified, and I have seen online posts on various forums from consumers acknowledging they have are receiving notices from Amazon that their orders will be arriving next week, and I expect their product page will be re-activated accordingly.”