Anyone attending the 2012 Sundance Film Festival for the first time is advised to avoid a restaurant called 350 Main. Here’s how I put it last year in a piece called “Butch Boss“: “What defines a must-to-avoid ‘townie’ restaurant in Park City during the Sundance Film Festival? The host has a suspicious, guard-at-the-gate attitude when you walk in and say you’d like to hang at the bar, as I did last night at 350 Main.
“No well-mannered restaurant host in Manhattan would dare adopt a look of faint alarm and a confrontational tone and say ‘do you have a dinner reservation?’
“I was about to say ‘no, but I’ve got 15 minutes to kill and thought I’d chill’ but the hostess was a mixture of Faye Dunaway in Network and a barkeep in a Sean O’Casey play and the confrontational vibe was like a Queen lyric — ‘We will, we will stop you!’ Things went downhill from there.
“I’ve always gotten this attitude from 350 Main staffers. ‘Are you riff-raff or are you here to sufficiently spend?,’ they seem to be saying. ‘You don’t much look like a skiier and that worries us. Don’t come in here with any sort of journalistic-swagger attitude because we have a business to run, bub.’
“The bartenders are like this too. They’ll ignore and ignore and ignore you, and then they’ll finally serve you after you’ve tried to catch their eye for 12 or 15 minutes. The entire staff is poison in this sense. They’re really bad people. Ugly, I mean.
“I know that Sundance attracts crude simian types to Main Street and I don’t blame any high-toned establishment for wanting to keep out the flotsam and jetsam, but townie eateries always overdo it.
“Another Park City establishment that I wrote off years ago for having this ‘hold it, fella!’ attitude is the Grub Steak, located across from Prospector Square.”