Good morning, Friday. Several lightweight, marginal or otherwise inconsequential movies that I don’t care about — In’t It Romantic, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, Happy Death Day, What Men Want, Cold Pursuit, The Upside, The Prodigy — opened or continued last night.

Which, I realize, is par for the course for February. Oh, for the days when the (very) occasional February release was in the realm of The Silence of the Lambs.

Please convey your immediate reactions to this photo of Isn’t It Romantic costars Rebel Wilson and Liam Hemsworth. Imagine living in a world in which one is expected to at least feign interest…I don’t need to complete this sentence.

Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth in Isn’t It Romantic.

“However one chooses to describe [Wilson] physically, never in the history of the genre has the heroine of a romcom required the NFL’s concussion protocol as early and as often as she does in Isn’t It Romantic. To what degree this unusual injection of corporeal menace is a result of Wilson being one of the few larger-sized actresses to star in a Hollywood film of this type (or any type, for that matter) or a way to exploit the breakout star of the Perfect Pitch series’ penchant for physical comedy is in the eye of the beholder. On which side you fall on that question will likely end up determining whether you enjoy the film.” — 2.14 review by Observer‘s Oliver Jones.

I know you’re not supposed to say stuff like this, but when I was a young buck I never ran into plus-sized women as a rule. I’m truly sorry but that was the world back then.

Nowadays heft and heavy are almost de riguer, and if you so much as mention this you’re an likely to be bloodied on Twitter. Nowadays movie stars like Hemsworth are obliged to occasionally pretend…I don’t need to complete this one either.

Back in the old days rock musicians were almost all slender — you could count the exceptions (Catfish’s Bob Hodge, Canned Heat’s Bob “The Bear” Hite, “FrostySmith who played with Lee Michaels) on one hand. The other night at Highland Park’s The Lodge I listened to a technically proficient band in which the singer-lead guitarist and bass player were the size of Sumo wrestlers.

From “Fatties Everywhere,” posted in June 2007 — “Jett and I were at a Carl’s, Jr. around 1:15 pm today, and there were about 25 or more Latino kids there, and every last one was either bulky, chunky, over-fed or fat.

“I was watching a Braves-Red Sox game yesterday on ESPN, and I was struck by two Atlanta pitchers — one who was relieved in the ninth inning, and the guy who relieved him — who were both pretty big…barrel-chested, round faces, Babe Ruth-ish.

“Earlier this month Jett and I stayed for two nights at a youth hostel in Positano, Italy, and I noticed several zaftig American college-age girls.

“‘What’s with all the pot bellies on the girls?’ I asked Jett. ‘If you’re going to be in great shape, there’s no better time than your early 20s.’ Jett, about to start his sophomore year at Syracuse University, laughed and said, ”All college girls look like that…well, almost all of them. It’s college and all those fatty foods.’

“I don’t think it’s college as much as good old American sloth. Order another whopper, have some more fries, turn on the tube. Were the Greeks fat? Were the Romans waddling around like Jabbas in togas? What great civilizations have had youngish populations that were this big? It’s another sign of the wind-down of the American empire.

“If the ghost of Julius Caesar were to visit this country, he would take one look and sneer.”