Oscar-winning director Bong Joon-ho (Parasite) and RPatz (also know as RBatz) are teaming for a futuristic sci-fi film based on Edward Ashton’s upcoming novel Mickey7.

From Justin Kroll‘s Deadline report, filed this morning “In Ashton’s book Mickey7 is an Expendable, a disposable employee on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world of Hoth Niflheim. Whenever there’s a mission that’s too dangerous — even suicidal — the crew turns to Mickey. After one iteration of Mickey dies, a new body is regenerated with most of his memories intact. After six deaths, Mickey7 understands the terms of his deal…and why it was the only colonial position unfilled when he took it.”

If it was within my power to produce a dream project for Bong Joon-ho to direct, I would choose a Parasite prequel titled Maid In The Rain.

I’m envisioning the full story of Lee Jung-eun‘s Moon-gwang, the once-employed housekeeper for the wealthy Park family who managed to somehow persuade the Kim family to let her into the Park home during a rainstorm while the Kims are drunk.

Maid in the Rain would explore all the whys and wherefores of this curious incident while exploring various alternate scenarios that might explain one if the greatest mysteries of 21st Century cinema.