It’s not surprising that Variety‘s Scott Foundas has panned Rob Reiner‘s And So It Goes (Clarius, 7.25), calling it the kind of adult relationship film that prefers “cheap punch lines” and “easy pathos” to real feelings, and a viewing experience in which “you never feel anything significant is at stake for anyone — save for a paycheck.” The surprise is that Foundas has reviewed the film from, of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, the Jerusalem Film Festival, which is probably not the safest place to be right now.

Douglas: “I hate to admit this but it’s almost a kind of aphrodisiac to be flirting and contemplating hot septugenarian sex while bombs are exploding nearby and any moment could be our last.” Keaton: “Eeeee!…let’s go upstairs right now.”

Last night I asked Foundas what it’s like to be in the center of the action with Israel and Gaza militants lobbing missiles at each other. “It’s like being in Salvador, only with a bunch of people going ‘Oy vey!’ all the time,” Foundas jokingly replied. “But seriously, I’m actually writing a column about it for Monday. The festival is more or less going on uninterrupted, and the people here, because they’re so used to this sort of thing, are very sanguine.”

From a riff about And So It Goes in a 7.2.14 HE post called “Meathead Is A Locomotive”: “Whaddaya want from me? You want me to say I was knocked out, delighted, turned around? I wasn’t. Mark Andrus‘s screenplay is drawn from the same well as As Good As It Gets (snippy, selfish misanthrope grows a heart) with a little sprinkling of Heidi, and is therefore way too predictable for my tastes. But some of it works. It’s amiable enough and…well, somewhat better than I expected. Aimed, yes, at 60- and 70-somethings. Delivers some above-average insult humor. Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton score every now and then.”