Yes, film & sports fans — the former Andy Wachowski has joined Lana Wachoswski on the other side of the gender reassignment aisle and is now Lilly Wachowski. Meaning that the Wachowskis, who started out as brothers, are now the same gender again. This feels like a deflation d’estime. Not the gender-switching thing (whatever works) but the fact that the Wachowski siblings are now more noteworthy for their lifestyle and gender preferences than as mesmerizing dreamcat filmmakers, which is what they were from the mid ’90s to mid aughts. But it all started to go south after The Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions opened and disappointed in ’03. V for Vendetta worked for some but then came the final nails — Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas and especially Jupiter Ascending. I didn’t pay any attention to Sense8, their 2015 Netflix series, but I’d been accustomed to ignoring and/or putting off seeing their stuff so no biggie. One question: For years Andy was a baldie so where’d Lilly’s hair come from? Just asking.