“Who Cares?” is a track off Paul McCartney‘s Egypt Station album, which popped on 9.7.18. The basic message of Brantley Gutierrez and Ryan Heffington‘s “Who Cares?” video (shot on 65mm film) is that bullying really sucks. But most of us understand that.

The dialogue exchange at the beginning is the most interesting part. McCartney, playing a graying, gentle-mannered hypnotist called “Dr. Lorenz” (no first name?), asks a frazzled-looking Emma Stone about her emotions of the moment. She answers yes to all the antsy negatives. Then Dr. Lorenz mentions the power of suggestion. He turns on his early 20th Century swirling hypnosis device and suddenly we’re swimming in an animated, candy-coated Ken Russell fantasy video, straight out of The Boy Friend or Tommy.

Stone is totally unrecognizable in her flaming-orange-hair kabuki makeup. McCartney needs to dial back on the large shocks of silver hair — he needs to go back to little sprigs of gray around his ears and side temples, but no gray on top. If he insists on showing his age I would suggest that he go with dyed dark-gray hair mixed with silvery-white sprigs. Sounds weird, I know, but it works for some.