Got into Paris five hours ago — it’s 1:07 ayem on Saturday — and the wi-fi in the apartment doesn’t work. (Merde.) It can’t work unless you provide a user name and passsword, and of course the guy who’s renting the place to to me didn’t think to provide this info. (And when I called him at his place in Brooklyn to get this vital data he went, “Uhhm…I don’t know it offhand…ask the woman who gave you the key,” etc.) But now that I’ve settled down, I love the dueling impressions on the ’06 Cannes Film Festival by the Hollywood Reporter‘s Anne Thompson and the very sage and industry-savvy David Poland on his “Hot Blog” commentary that ran in response. I’ll jump in myself sometime tomorrow when I stop fuming about the apparently dial-up-speed wi-fi in my grunge-level, pit-of-hell armpit Paris apartment not being accessible.