You have a nifty job as the United Sates Ambassador to the United Nations. Stimulating work, pretty decent salary ($180K), nice New York apartment, etc. You’ve been at the job since 1.25.17, and yet 21 months later you announce that you’re quitting. Why? Who bails on a plum prestige gig less than two years after starting? The Trump administration has another two years and three months left.

If you scroll down to paragraphs #14 and #15 in Maggie Haberman’s N.Y. Times story about Nikki Haley resigning as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, there’s a hint of an explanation.

“Ms. Haley’s advisers have long tended to her political image, and stepping away now could be a logical end point if she wants to preserve her own political future.” In other words, she’s stepping away from the Trump administration now before the Mueller report is issued…?

“But in the short term, people familiar with her thinking said that she is likely to work in the private sector and make some money. After nearly eight years in government — six years as governor of South Carolina in addition to her time at the United Nations — her 2018 financial disclosure report shows Ms. Haley has at least $1.5 million in debts, including more than $1 million for her mortgage.”