“…to vote to kill Roe v. Wade, if given the opportunity, and thereby make it as difficult as possible for women to have abortions in this country. I also solemnly pledge, if given the opportunity, to vote to kill the Affordable Care Act. I don’t have much of a choice as far as my speaking voice is concerned, so you can rest assured that if I am confirmed to the Supreme Court, I will continue to not sound like Lauren Bacall, Anne Bancroft, Rosalind Russell, Katharine Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, Barbara Stanwyck or Meryl Streep and sound, in fact, like a 12-year-old Girl Scout selling cookies door to door. Oh, and while it’s possible I could test positive for Covid-19 within the next few days, I probably won’t as I didn’t mingle much during last weekend’s White House super-spreader event. Thank you, Mr. President, and may God bless America.”