In his review of Kino Lorber’s Witness for the Prosecution Bluray (streeting on 7.22),’s Jeffrey Kaufman actually tiptoes around the big third-act twist. He’s actually afraid of spoiling a 57 year-old film that anyone with a passing interest in the courtroom genre or the films of Billy Wilder or Marlene Dietrich…anyone who isn’t a complete movie dilletante knows this film like the back of their hand. Kaufman also says that Bluray detail makes it obvious that the identity of the middle-aged woman who provides the crucial “love letters” to Charles Laughton and Henry Daniell in Euston Station is…uhm, that she’s wearing a get-up. “Suffice to say the film hinges on much the same artifice that was used later in Sleuth,” Kaufman writes, “and much like the film version of that play, the artifice simply doesn’t hold up under the cold, clear light of film close-ups.” I’ve seen a Vudu HDX version of Witness and I can’t say I agree. Note: I’ve posted the following clip because I worship the way Laughton says the line “for what it is worth.”