Asked by ET‘s John Boone about Warner Bros.’s recent decision to open all 2021 releases simultaneously in theaters and on HBO Max, Tenet director Chris Nolan, a longtime advocate of theatrical presentation, expressed strong disapproval.

Nolan: [My reaction was one of] disbelief. Especially the way in which they did it. There’s such controversy around it, because they didn’t tell anyone. In 2021, they’ve got some of the top filmmakers in the world…they’ve got some of the biggest stars in the world who worked for years in some cases on these projects very close to their hearts that are meant to be big-screen experiences. They’re meant to be out there for the widest possible audiences…and now they’re being used as a loss-leader for the streaming service — for a fledgling streaming service — without any consultation.

“So there’s a lot of controversy. It’s very, very, very, very messy. A real bait-and-switch. Yeah, it’s sort of not how you treat filmmakers and stars and people who…[I mean] these guys have given a lot for these projects. They deserved to be consulted and spoken to about what was going to happen to their work.”