Journo pally: “I know this woman who knew my father…she’s very smart, very attuned…and she told me the other day she hasn’t seen The Irishman because she feels that she’s seen this kind of thing before, and doesn’t want to wade into the same old thing for three and a half hours.”

HE to Journo Pally: “Does she read reviews? Has she spoken to anyone? It’s not Goodfellas. Everyone’s saying that. What’s wrong with her?”

Martin Scorsese to Jimmy Kimmel: “And [Robert De Niro] began to tell me about the [Frank Sheeran] character, he became rather emotional about it. And I said, ‘Now, that‘s something. If we’re going back into that milieu, which we were associated with in Casino and Goodfellas, this is something [through which] we could maybe learn a little more about ourselves, and go deeper. You know? Otherwise what are we doing? We’re just repeating ourselves.’ And so we took a chance.”

News flash: 77 year-old Scorsese doesn’t miss a trick, and he’s going to be just as whipsmart when he’s 87 or 97. Just saying.