Everyone on the front lines has now seen (or will be seeing today) Moneyball. I know some people think I’ve been pushing too hard or too enthusiastically, and I don’t just think they’re nyah-nyah naysayers who say this stuff in order to pop me — I know they are because I know this film is the shit, and that it’s an all-around winner and a keeper. But if you feel the urge to counterpunch, please have at it.

Repeating: “It’s mystical, statistical, spooky, emotional and wonderfully original. And wonderfully “pure” in a sense. The complexity mixed with the spirituality and the political reality of things…just brilliant.

Ditto: “Put another way, it’s about organizing a baseball team in a different nerdy way (saber-metrics and all that) and the political pushback that Pitt and Hill have to deal with from almost everyone, but — this is the exceptional surprise element — it’s also about how the forces and wills of the Gods suddenly step in and make things happen when they feel like it. Angels over the outfield. So call it a nerdy baseball movie mixed with spirituality and politics and adult-level complications…sublime.”