Congrats to Kristen Stewart for becoming the first American actress to win a Cesar award. A couple of hours ago Stewart was handed a Best Supporting Actress Cesar for her deft and planted performance in Olivier Assayas‘ Cloud of Sils Maria, which costarred Juliet Binoche and Chloe Grace Moretz. Clouds had its big debut in Cannes last May. “With the exception of Kristen Stewart‘s alert, quietly arresting turn as a personal assistant to Binoche‘s middle-aged actress undergoing an emotional-psychological downshift, Clouds is a talky, rather flat experience,” I wrote on 5.23.14. “It isn’t Persona or Three Women or All About Eve, although it seems to be occasionally flirt with the material that these three films explored. It just didn’t light my torch, and would have been a more interesting film if Assayas has focused more on Stewart and Moretz than Binoche.”