“President Obama’s position inched forward in the FiveThirtyEight forecast on Thursday, 9.20,” N.Y. Times political columnist Nate Silver wrote this morning. “His chances of winning the Electoral College are 76.1 percent, according to the forecast, up from 75.2 percent on Wednesday. Mr. Obama’s projected margin of victory in the national popular vote also increased slightly, to 3.4 percentage points.

“By and large, the story that Thursday’s polls told was the same one as on Wednesday. Mr. Obama continues to get very strong results in state polls that use industry-standard methodology, meaning that they use live interviews and place calls to mobile phones along with landlines.” Silver explains that Obama “has been ahead by just two points on average in polls that called landlines only, most of which were ‘robopolls’ conducted by automated script.”

Who uses landlines these days? I don’t want to go out on a limb, but I’m supposing that the landline crowd is mostly up of old boomer farts.

Who said “stop it” yesterday? It was the quote of the day.