While researching a 1995 Los Angeles magazine piece called “Right Face,” the late L.M. Kit Carson told me that he sensed a while back that David Lynch was an offbeat conservative. “He’s kind of like Jimmy Stewart on the surface, all golly-gee-gosh,” Carson said, “but dark and creepy underneath.”

I thought of Carson’s observation last weekend when I read Lynch’s oddball, left-handed praising of Donald Trump. I’m not sure Lynch was actually calling Trump a great president as much as a bull in a china shop.

Tuesday, 4:40 pm Pacific: A few hours ago Lynch posted a message to Trump on Facebook.

“Both the Breitbart article and Trump’s retweet show how hungry the Republican right is for acceptance by Hollywood. They are so famished for celebrity praise that they’ll even take it in the form of [a] very ironic and slippery statement from a film director who loves to cultivate an air of mystery.” — posted yesterday by New Republic‘s Jeet Heer.