Posted today by former editor-at-large Ben Shapiro about Steve Bannon, the just-appointed Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to President-Elect Donald Trump: “Is Bannon anti-Semitic and racist? I have no evidence of this. But with that said, as I wrote at The Washington Post [last] August, Bannon has openly embraced the racist and anti-Semitic alt-right — he called his Breitbart ‘the platform of the alt-right.’
Former Breitbart honcho Steven Bannon, the just-appointed chief strategist and senior counselor to President-Elect Donald Trump.
“The alt-right, in a nutshell, believes that Western culture is inseparable from European ethnicity. (Wells interject: In other words, it believes in fortifying a dominant white culture in the U.S. of A.) I have no evidence Bannon believes that personally, but he’s happy to pander to those people and make common cause with them in order to transform conservatism into European far-right nationalist populism. That means that the alt-right will cheer Bannon along as he marbles Trump’s speeches with talk of ‘globalism’ — and that Bannon won’t be pushing Trump to dump the racists and anti-Semites who support Trump anytime soon.